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Region Coordination on Improved Water Resources Management and Capacity Building Programs

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Main Challenges in MENA

Fresh Water Scarcity in MENA Region is more and more a challenge that is affecting the development of the region. MENA is among the most fresh-water scarce regions in the world.

The MENA region is vulnerable to climate change, significant dependence on climate sensitive agriculture and high concentrations of both population and economic activity in flood prone urban coastal zones. (IPCC) models predict that temperature and water variability will increase in several countries of the region with water precipitation predicted to drop by up to 30% by 2050.

Time to address these challenges using the Utilized Earth Science and satellite observations in conjunction with ground measurements, remote sensing tools and models to examine scientific questions  and address water resources issues, understand and adapt to climate change impacts for decision making and societal benefits.

In June 2008, AWC, World Bank, representatives from most of the Arab League countries, USAID, NASA, ICBA supported this idea by Implementing the “Regional Coordination On improved Water Resources Management and Capacity Building Program


Improve water resources and agricultural management across beneficiary countries based on quantitative and spatial -based making tools of remote sensing.

Regional Project Overview

This Program is a multi-country Adaptable Program (APL) financed under a Global Environment Facility (GEF) Grant, to finance the technical assistance, hardware and software infrastructure required to build the capacity of the involved governments to improve local and regional water resources and agricultural management using earth observation tools.

Phase 1 of the APL supports activities in Lebanon, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia and AWC.
Phase 2 of the APL is supporting the same activities in Egypt through National Authority for Remote Sensing
and Space Science (NARSS), and will be triggered upon the Government of Egypt’s

For More Information Please visit the project website www.rciwrm-awc.org

Project Total Budget: 5.644 US$M

Implementation Completion And Results Report (Region Coordination on Improved Water Resources Management and Capacity Building Programs)