In computer security, a login or logon or sign in or sign on refers to the credentials required to obtain access to a computer system or other restricted area. Logging in or logging on or signing in or signing on is the process by which individual access to a computer system is controlled by identifying and authenticating the user through the credentials presented by the user.
Special Session organized by UNDP during the Arab Sustainable Development Forum
The Arab Water Council had the pleasure to participate in the Special Session organized by UNDP during the Arab Sustainable Development Forum on March 30, 2021
Read more: Special Session Organized by UNDP during the Arab Sustainable Development Forum
Launching of the Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Voluntary Stakeholder Group on Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change, and Migration, Arab States (VSG on GCCDRRM) Group
The UN Women Regional Office of Arab States and the Arab Water Council has celebrated launching the Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Voluntary Stakeholder Group on Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change, and Migration, Arab States (VSG on GCCDRRM) group Tuesday, March 23rd, 2021 with the support of the United Nations Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) and the SDG-Climate Facility.
Technical Study Tour and Field Visit under IFAD/CASP Programme (Climate Change Adaptation and Agribusiness Support Programme)
The Arab Water Council (AWC) has successfully conducted a Technical Study Tour and Field Visit under IFAD/CASP Programme (Climate Change Adaptation and Agribusiness Support Programme) involving a Nigerian Delegation of 9 candidates, with a special focus on “Irrigation Infrastructure and Water Management and Community-Based Road Maintenance.”
Read more: Technical Study Tour and Field Visit under IFAD/CASP Programme
SDG Climate Facility Project Brochure
The Arab Water Council is glad to share with you the Brochure of the - SDG Climate Facility Project that highlights detailed information regarding the project's main activities and outcomes.
FAO Water Scarcity Initiative
AWC is taking part within the FAO Water Scarcity Initiative by participating in the initiative’s four working clusters
Board Meeting SDG Climate Facility Project
The Arab Water Council participated in the SDG Climate facility project Virtual Board meeting in December 2020