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Special Session Organized by UNDP during the Arab Sustainable Development Forum

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Special Session organized by UNDP during the Arab Sustainable Development Forum

The Arab Water Council had the pleasure to participate in the Special Session organized by UNDP during the Arab Sustainable Development Forum on March 30, 2021


The Arab Water Council had the pleasure to participate in the Special Session organized by UNDP during the Arab Sustainable Development Forum on March 30, 2021, to present the Regional Climate Security Network which is managed and hosted by AWC, the presentation highlighted the mandate of the network and how it complements the importance of addressing the climate security nexus. The session aimed at presenting the impact of climate-security risks as a bottleneck to achieving the SDGs in a resilient manner. On the flip-side, it also presented concrete examples of the way in which understanding the climate-security nexus, and mainstreaming those considerations in relevant processes, strategies, and policies can have a positive impact on achieving the SDGs in a durable, and risk-resilient manner.

For joining the Regional Climate Security Network, please fill in the form in the below link.


Regional Climate Security Website:
