CWPF MENA Regional Project aims to establish the national and regional ET measurement, monitoring, and management system, by transferring the advanced Chinese remote sensing technologies to the beneficiary countries in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia. This shall help the countries to better manage local and regional agriculture water resources and reduce the threat of climate change to vulnerable agricultural production within and across countries. The project will mainly focus on the improvement of the agriculture water productivity and strengthen the adaptation to climate change (CC) and agriculture risk resilience under constraint of agriculture water consumption caps at the country and regional levels, by applying quantitative and spatial-based decision-making tools, in order to reduce the inefficient agriculture water consumption and minimize the negative CC impacts on national water and food securities.
The project is funded by the World Bank; however, multiple partners will contribute to the implementation of the project activities. Currently the collaborating partners are:
• Arab Water Council (AWC)
• Ministry of Water Resources & Irrigation - Egypt
• Ministry of Water and Irrigation - Jordan
• National Council for Scientific Research - Lebanon
• Le Centre Royal de Télédétection Spatiale - Morocco
• Centre Regional de Teledetection des Etats de L'Afrique du Nord (C.R.T.E.A.N) - Tunisia